Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jesus on the Campaign Trail

We have the image of Christ as a glorified presidential candidate roaming the ancient world. In our grand vision, he swoops through crowds, the center of attention, making speeches and inspiring thousands. Yet what we read about Jesus in the Gospels is very different. He choose to spent much of his time by himself and alone with his disciples.

Many people might have criticized him for not spending more time with large crowds where he could “really make a difference." And today, men and women work hard to draw attention to themselves and their political campaign, promoting themselves to friends and potential admirers as if life were an exercise in branding.

Jesus, on the other hand, shunned the crowds. He knew his mission and was not going to allow himself to get sidetracked. Even if it made for some “bad press."

If Jesus needed time alone and time with his closest companions, how much more do we need to pull away from the day-to-day chaos to recharge and refresh and refocus?

Stephen Goforth